报告题目:The methyl cycle in health and disease: new insights from the clock
报告人:Jean-Michel Fustin博士,英国曼彻斯特大学研究员(UKRI研究员)
Meeting ID: 937 2315 7452
Passcode: 639160
报告人简介:Jean-Michel Fustin博士,副教授,博士生导师,长期从事生物钟与甲基循环关系的研究,现任英国曼彻斯特大学生物、医学与健康学院生物钟中心研究员,《Frontiers in Pharmacology》副主编。2008年毕业于英国阿伯丁大学获博士学位,2009-2014年在日本京都大学药学研究科师从世界著名生物钟科学家冈村均教授从事博士后研究。2014-2018年任京都大学药学研究科特任讲师,2019年-2020年任京都大学药学研究科副教授。2020年至今荣获英国研究与创新署(UKRI)未来领袖计划资助,任英国曼彻斯特大学研究员。Fustin博士围绕生物钟与甲基代谢关系领域开展相关研究,在Cell、Science、PNAS、Current Biology、Nature Communications、Communications Biology、Cell Reports、Journal of Biological Rhythms等具有国际影响力的期刊发表研究论文50余篇。
The methyl cycle is the core of 1-carbon metabolism and is essential not only for biological transmethylations but also for the regulation of the REDOX potential and for the synthesis of nucleotides and polyamines. This metabolic hub requires essential nutrients including methionine, choline and vitamin B9. Since its inception, our laboratory has been focusing on understanding the link between the methyl cycle and biological rhythms. Biological rhythms involve transcription-translation feedback loops of clock genes regulating the expression of many output genes underlying rhythmic physiology and behavior. These transcription-translation feedback loops are themselves regulated by epigenetic methylations at the level of DNA, histones and mRNA, and are thus the perfect system to study how genetic and dietary disruptions of the methyl cycle impact on our biology. This lecture will provide the fundamentals on biological rhythms and 1-carbon metabolism, then present the insights we have gained in the course of our past and current investigations.