
关于举办“Model of breast cell carcinogenesis for intervention”学术报告的通知

作者:         发布日期:2013-10-08     浏览次数:

  报告时间: 10月9日下午2:30-4:00

  报告地点:  72886必赢欢迎光临二层会议室

  报告的题目: Model of breast cell carcinogenesis for intervention

  报告人:Dr. Hwa-Chain Robert Wang

  Professor of Molecular Oncology

  Administrator, International Affairs Program

  The University of Tennessee

  College of Veterinary Medicine

  Knoxville, TN, USA

  Hwa-Chain R. Wang, molecular oncologist, received his DVM-equivalent professional degree from The National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan (1979), MS degree in viral infectious diseases at Auburn University in the USA (1984), and PhD degree in molecular and cell biology/oncogene at the University of Virginia, USA (1990)。 He did his postdoctoral research in the areas of signal transduction, protein biochemistry, and cell biology at Harvard University (1990-94)。  He was appointed as a research scientist investigating molecular targets for anticancer drugs at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, USA (1994-97), and then was recruited to join The University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, USA, in 1997.  Since 1994, he has directed independent research projects on kinase-involved signaling pathways related to cellular transformation and apoptosis, molecular targets for anticancer agents, molecular carcinogenesis of breast cells, and dietary prevention of breast cell carcinogenesis.  He has published more than 110 reports in peer-reviewed scientific journals and summaries in proceedings. He teaches graduate courses of cell signaling/oncogene and molecular oncology. He serves as a scientific reviewer on the Clinical & Experimental Therapeutics study section panel of Breast Cancer Research Program and the Genetic Cancer study section panels of Peer Reviewer Cancer Research Program for Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Department of Defense)。 He serves as a reviewer for more than 13 peer-review scientific journals. He is a full member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (since 1994), he is a full member of the American Association for Cancer Research (since 1996), he is a voting member of the One-Health/International affairs Committee of the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (since 2006), he is a life member of Society of Chinese Bioscentists in America (since 2010), and he is the president of the Phi Chapter (Knoxville, TN) of the National Honor Society of Phi Zeta Veterinary Medicine (since 2011)。
